Kaiut Yoga is an innovative yoga method developed by Brazilian expert Franscisco Kaiut and when Kaiut Yoga opened in Durango, we were happy to help them with their website development as well as their organic online marketing plan and implementations.
With a brand new method of yoga entering the Three Springs community, we helped Kaiut Yoga Durango develop a new brand in Durango. We were able to bring together the branding requirements of The Kaiut Method while still helping Kaiut Durango to establish it’s own unique identity. To do this, we developed a clean and easy to use website that includes a flexible and easy to maintain dynamic calendar to offer a rotating calendar of availability.
We also helped optimize their Google Places / Google My Business listings for a dramatic increase in local and map based traffic. Check out their website and enjoy a Kaiut Yoga class while you’re at it!